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  • Gospel Lectio Divina for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 19, 2023
    November 16, 2023

    Gospel Lectio Divina for the Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 19, 2023

    What is God saying to you in this week’s Gospel? Perhaps he has blessed you with something, but you don’t know how to use it to give him greater glory. Are you waiting for the right moment to share your gifts with the world? God may be calling you to share them with others today. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 15:16).

    Kilby is a freelance writing from New Jersey and managing editor of Catholic World Report.

    Glory to the Father The Son and The Holy Spirit

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  • The Parable of the Ten Virgins
    November 12, 2023

    Gospel Lectio Divina for the Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 12, 2023

    God will always leave the light on for us to see when we are ready to come home. He expects the same fidelity from us. Waiting upon the Lord is an essential, inevitable part of the spiritual life. Many of us will experience dark nights of the soul before sensing the Lord’s presence. He has his reasons for making us wait at different times in our lives. We’d be wise to trust him, and to listen. But if we try to listen without having genuine love for him and without living a life of virtue, then we will not recognize his voice when he is near. We will be like the virgins who had no oil, and our lives will remain dark even after he reaches out to us. He is the light, but with no oil in our lamps we will have no way to keep that light with us. So let’s remain vigilant as we wait patiently for the Lord.
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  • Gospel Lectio Divina for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 5, 2023
    November 2, 2023

    Gospel Lectio Divina for the Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time - November 5, 2023

    This Sunday’s Gospel is about humility and service. We listen to God, humbly accepting the message he has for us. On top of that though, hopefully, this Gospel’s message will help us humbly listen to other people as we seek to serve them. This ought to be our goal in every encounter. I can’t even recall how many times I’ve been reluctant to even talk to people because I knew my selfish intentions, or I had too much self-concern. This is all the opposite of humility. If we listen to others and seek out what they need, we can approach anyone and everyone more humbly and more confidently, knowing that our goal is to find ways to serve them. 

    Kilby is a freelance writing from New Jersey and managing editor of Catholic World Report.

    Glory to the Father The Son and The Holy Spirit

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  • Gospel Lectio Divina for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 22, 2023
    October 19, 2023

    Gospel Lectio Divina for the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 22, 2023


    What is God saying to you now? Is he calling you to deeper conversion, deeper trust in him? Is he telling you to let go of your concern for money? Is there a person in your life who is trying to entrap you? God may be calling you to give that fear and anger to him. Has someone hurt you in the past and are you holding onto that pain? God may be calling you to forgive so you may live in the freedom of the truth. Do you feel oppressed by someone or something in your life? Take comfort in the Lord, and know that he provides for all who love him.

    Kilby is a freelance writing from New Jersey and managing editor of Catholic World Report.

    Glory to the Father The Son and The Holy Spirit

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  • Gospel Lectio Divina for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 8, 2023
    October 5, 2023

    Gospel Lectio Divina for the Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 8, 2023

    When we listen closely to God’s word, we find deeper meaning. When we ignore God’s word, our life becomes a series of scattered instances where we chase lesser things. Our base desires for money, pleasure, and approval take over. When we listen to God’s word though, he shows us a higher purpose. He shows us how we are part of a great story that will determine the outcome of everything he created. Will we listen to him or betray him, seeking smaller ambitions? The tenants in the vineyard may not have been so malicious at first. They may have just started out seeking more money instead of God. But when we lose sight of God, we lose sight of virtue. Then there is no limit to the means we will use to obtain what we think we need. 

    Kilby is a freelance writing from New Jersey and managing editor of Catholic World Report.

    Glory to the Father The Son and The Holy Spirit

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  • Gospel Lectio Divina for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 1, 2023
    September 28, 2023

    Gospel Lectio Divina for the Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 1, 2023

    It’s one thing to listen, and another thing to obey. The second son in this Sunday’s little parable heard his father loud and clear. He may have even strongly considered going out to the vineyard, but then got caught up in something that he considered to be more important. Our intentions in the moments when we are before our authorities could change when we are no longer before them. Then is when we show our true character: when no one is around to observe our obedience. Jesus sees our hearts. He knows when we pray when no one is looking, and in fact prefers that kind of prayer. This is profound. It shows that we have a father outside this world, a father who cares who we are in the deepest recesses of our souls, not who we are to other people. We may be shy, defiant, despised, or looked down upon among our peers. But thank God that he can see who we are in our solitude.

    Kilby is a freelance writing from New Jersey and managing editor of Catholic World Report.

    Glory to the Father The Son and The Holy Spirit

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