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st augustine of hippo

St. Augustine of Hippo, Bishop & Doctor of the Church

By Karen Riobo


St. Augustine is the patron saint of brewers, printers and theologians.

August 28th is the Feast Day of St. Augustine of Hippo. 

“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.”

~St. Augustine of Hippo


In honor of the feast of Saint Augustine of Hippo, today, August 28th, I will highlight some fascinating stories about his journey to the Heart of God.

Bishop, Doctor of the Church and Patron Saint of Brewers, because of his conversion from his former life of loose living, which included parties, entertainment, and worldly ambitions.

His complete turnaround is an inspiration to many who struggle with a particular vice or habit they long to break. 

Just as the prodigal son, Augustine, was received by the Father with open arms and God in return granted him the greatest honors of the Catholic Church, Bishop, Priest and Doctor. God redeemed his gifts and he devoted his entire life at the service of the Kingdom. 

One of his famous quotes " Late have I loved You!" is a cry out to God for his late conversion to Christianity at 33 years old. He became a priest at 36 and ordained bishop at 41. He surely made up for the time lost as a heretic, drowned in the lies of Manichaeism. St. Augustine founded a religious order, called the Augustinians. 

A Beacon of Faith, Hope, and Love:

Both, St. Monica and St. Augustine are a great example of the theological virtues, Faith, Hope and Love. Faith, because St. Augustine’s surrender to God’s relentless pursuit of his heart changed our church forever. He believed. Hope, because the Lord in his mercy, called him a great sinner, to be a Saint, an important one. And Love, because his theological books and teachings are a response to the relationship he had with God. He was deeply loved by his mother who incessantly prayed for her Son’s conversion, even when he appeared as a lost cause. 

Not giving up on others brings them hope; showing mercy and being patient with God’s plan. 

“There is a time for everything under heaven”, Ecclesiastes 3. That time came for Saint Augustine. Like the prodigal son, he came back from his restless journey finding love in all the wrong places. There was a feast in heaven when He finally said YES.  


Let us intentionally question ourselves :  

How are we giving up on others? How are we praying? Do you truly believe that God will provide? Do you trust in God’s deep love for you? 

Do you need to inspire someone in your family or a friend that needs to hear St. Augustine’s testimony?  

“Hope has two beautiful daughters; their names are Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are, and Courage to see that they do not remain as they are.” Saint Augustine 

Let us be proactive, in listening to where the Lord is inviting us to grow in, and be His light as Jesus called us to let our light shine before others to see the Glory of God!


 “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hid. No one after lighting a lamp puts it under the bushel basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven."

~Matthew 5:14-16


Karen Riobo is a copywriter who loves the Holy Spirit! She has worked in Catholic Ministry for over seven years, encouraging young adults to have an intimate relationship with Christ. Her favorite saints are Our Blessed Mother and Saint Francis of Assisi. She enjoys Coffee, Learning and Fashion. 


Aquinas Press Classics "The Confessions" By St. Augustine
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Aquinas Press Classics - The Confessions By St. Augustine


St. Augustine Sterling Silver Medal with 20" Rhodium Chain
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St. Augustine Sterling Silver Medal with 20" Rhodium Chain

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St. Augustine Prayer Card with Medal Necklace
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