Gospel Lectio Divina for Pentecost, May 23, 2021
But when he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.
To this day it does indeed seem like those who believe in Christ have an inclination for finding the truth. No one else seems so concerned about it. Christian philosophers in the Middle Ages developed the scientific method for finding the truth about the natural world. In a court of law, before testifying we say, “I swear to tell the truth … so help me God” while placing a hand on the Bible. And when someone doesn’t believe in God, it’s common for other concerns to take the place of truth; like money, power, fear, fame, or popularity. We see this in mainstream media and politics constantly, where the truth is dismissed and replaced by the opinion of whoever has the most money, power, or influence. Also, when people don’t believe in God, they often go so far as to believe there is no truth, or that all truth is relative, rather than admit that truth does exist. When we abandon God, our abandonment of truth is not far behind. But for those who believe in God and the Truth who is Jesus Christ, things are different. Upon further examination, Christ’s words here are not just platitudes to make us feel good about believing in him. Being guided to the truth isn’t just a special perk we get for having faith in Jesus. It’s not just a bonus. It’s the whole reason Jesus is calling us to faith, and it’s life-changing. When we have faith in God, our whole directive and priority in our life changes. It’s like going from living in darkness to stepping into the light. Except, as C.S. Lewis explained it, the faith doesn’t just become the truth we see. It becomes the light by which we see everything else.