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The Power of Praying the Rosary; Why Pray the Rosary Every Day?

The Power of Praying the Rosary: Why Pray the Rosary Every Day?

By Karen Riobo

The devotion of the Rosary is a Catholic tradition of over 800 years. The rosary is one of the most cherished prayers of our Catholic Church. It was revealed by Our Lady herself one desperate night of flagellation and harsh penances by St. Dominic when he fell into a coma for the conversion of sinners in Toulouse. The conversation held by Our Lady and St.Dominic, told by Blessed Alan de La Roche, goes like this : 

“Dear Dominic, do you know which weapon the Blessed Trinity wants to use to reform the world?" "Oh, my Lady," answered Saint Dominic, "you know far better than I do, because next to your Son Jesus Christ you have always been the chief instrument of our salvation." 

Then our Lady replied, "I want you to know that, in this kind of warfare, the principal weapon has always been the Angelic Psalter, which is the foundation-stone of the New Testament. Therefore, if you want to reach these hardened souls and win them over to God, preach my Psalter." ( written by Saint Louis Marie Grignion De Montfort)

From here on St. Dominic preached with the Marian Psalter and achieved the conversion of many souls in Toulouse. The final form of the Rosary was fashioned by several popes up until what we have today. 

But, why pray it daily? Besides being a weapon to convert sinners and win battles, which are a great reason to pray it in themselves, there are 15 promises attached to the devotion of the Rosary. Our Lady promised St. Dominic  "Whatever you ask in the Rosary will be granted." 

If this single sentence and the incredible story of the conversion of the town of Toulouse by St. Dominic, do not convince you, here are 15 more reasons to love it and encourage you to start today!

  1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall receive signal graces. 
  2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary. 
  3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.
  4. The Rosary will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities, and will lift them to the desire for eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means. 
  5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.
  6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just he shall remain in the grace of God, and become worthy of eternal life. 
  7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the sacraments of the Church. 
  8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death they shall participate in the merits of the saints in paradise. 
  9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.
  10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit a high degree of glory in Heaven.
  11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary. 
  12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.
  13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire celestial court during their life and at the hour of death. 
  14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons and daughters, and brothers and sisters of my only Son Jesus Christ
  15. Devotion of my Rosary is a great sign of predestination. (This means the divine foreordaining of all that will happen, especially with regard to the salvation of some and not others)

Our Lady’s faithful intercession for her children, just like at the Wedding at Cana, is efficacious. She will meditate for you and me before her Son. 

“ When the wine ran short, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.”

[And] Jesus said to her, “Woman, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.”His mother said to the servers, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2, 3-6

I hope by reading this, you feel called to start today on your spiritual journey with the Rosary. 

Our Blessed Mother is waiting for you!

6mm - Swarovski Pearl Rosary - Light Pink

Please click to buy this beautiful Light Blue Swarovski Pearl Rosary 

Ave Maria Rosary Box

Please click to buy Ave Maria Rosary Box and Swarovski Pearl Rosary - Rose Pink

Pocket Guide to the Rosary By Matt Fradd

Please click to buy Pocket Guide to the Rosary By Matt Fradd 

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