Meaning and Miracles of St. Benedict Medal
By Karen Riobo
If you are Catholic, you have seen the St. Benedict Medal before. Some wear it on their necklace, wear it as a bracelet or carry it in their pocket. There are many ways to wear the St. Benedict medal and claim its protection. Though common among Catholics, some are unaware of the great symbolism and meaning contained within this sacramental.
Symbolism and miracles.
Although It has not been possible to trace when exactly the first medal was created, the design we enjoy today was released on the 1400th anniversary of St. Benedict’s birth. The medal and the prayers engraved upon it offer special protection from evil and represent moments in Benedict’s life where he was saved from death.
On one side, there is the image of St. Benedict in the center, in his right hand he is holding the cross, and in his left hand rests the Rule of St. Benedict. Right beneath the cross, there is a broken chalice with a serpent falling out of it. This represents angered monks that attempted to murder Benedict by serving him poisoned wine. After blessing the wine with a sign of the cross, the chalice broke in half, sparing Benedict from an early death.
Across from the broken chalice is a raven with a piece of bread in its claw. This was a murder attempt when he was served poisoned bread at one meal, and a bird flew in through a window and took away the bread before Benedict could put it to his lips.
On the back of the medal, there is a cross with the following acronyms in Latin that reveal prayers.
PAX – Peace
CSPB – Crux Sancti Patris Benedicti (The cross of our Holy Father Benedict)
CSSML – Crux Sacra Sit Mihi Lux (May the holy cross be my light)
NDSMD – Numquam Draco Sit Mihi Dux (May the dragon never be my guide!)
Exorcism prayer:
VRS – Vade Retro Satana (Be gone, Satan!)
NSMV – Numquam Suade Mihi Vana (Never tempt me with your vanities!)
SMQL – Sunt Mala Quae Libas (What you offer me is evil!)
IVB – Ipse Venena Bibas (Drink the poison yourself!)
It is common for the medal to fall off or break on its own, and when it happens, it is believed that you were protected from a direct attack from the evil one. Many exorcist priests use the St. Benedict medal to protect themselves and often spread them out in places where people feel the presence of evil spirits and they are gone! If you have faith, the intercession of St. Benedict is efficacious.
The Bible alerts us of the kind of fight that as Christians we will endure, Ephesians 6:12 says,
“For our struggle is not with flesh and blood but with the principalities, with the powers, with the world rulers of this present darkness, with the evil spirits in the heavens.”
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