Gospel Lectio Divinia for Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time - October 16, 2022
It’s amazing what we can learn when we take the time to read Scripture more closely. This is why the Rosary is so powerful. It gives us the tools we need to focus on the story of salvation, to hone in on the mysteries, to listen as we persistently pray. In this month of the Rosary, let’s try to be more persistent in our prayer through the heavenly prayer that Our Lady gave us.
Dear Lord,
In doing this lectio divina, I’ve learned that I need to be more persistent in my prayers–not because you are an unjust and dishonest judge–but because you are just and honest. You want me to be honest with myself. Do I really want what I am asking for? Is what I’m asking for really what is best? You gently advise me to take the time to meditate on these questions. Only then will I find your will. I find your will when I draw close to you and learn more about who you are. Thank you for bringing me closer to you. In Jesus’ name. Amen