What Happens at Mass, Revised Edition
This intelligent, straightforward guide to the Mass concentrates on the ritual form of the liturgy. Following the Order of the Mass, Fr. Jeremy Driscoll explores the ways in which we proclaim the Resurrection of Jesus Christ by means of our words and ritual actions. Through our ritual celebration of the liturgy, this proclamation causes what once happened to be present now as the event happening at Mass, where the ritual forms of the bread, the wine, and the movements of the priest and people are all completely imbued with significance, with divine life itself. Through this vivid exploration of our ritual words, signs, and actions, readers will come to a better understanding of the Mass as an encounter with Jesus Christ.
Book Details
- Product Code: ATMASS2
- ISBN: 978-1-61671-044-6
- Pages: 144
- Author: Jeremy Driscoll, osb
- Size: 6 x 9
- Binding: Paperback
- Language: English
- Copyright Year: 2011
Only ships to: USA, CAN, MEX
Serving the Catholic Community for Over 50 Years
Established by the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1964, LTP promotes the liturgical formation of the faithful called for by the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. Liturgy Training Publications is a premier publisher of liturgical and pastoral materials in English and Spanish. Dedicated to developing resources for the assembly, clergy, liturgical ministers, and all who study the liturgy, LTP produces books, videos, workshops, and other training materials so all the faithful may “become thoroughly imbued with the spirit and power of the liturgy” (SC, 14).
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